a ∼ as in: apple, average
ah ∼ as in : calm, father, onward
ahr ∼ as in : art, dark
air ∼ as in : bare, fare
aw ∼ as in : fall, jaw
ay ∼ as in : pain, tray
b ∼ as in : box
cae ∼ as in : said
cea ∼ pronounced as : " Sea ah "
ch ∼ as in : chubby
coc ∼ pronounced as : "koh"
d ∼ as in : dear
e ∼ as in : egg, set
ec ∼ as in : echo
ee ∼ as in : easy, me, fee
eer ∼ as in : beer, tier
f ∼ as in : fat, leaf
g ∼ as in : get, gale
h ∼ as in : hope
i ∼ as in : if, with or fight, night
j ∼ as in : jam, magic
k ∼ as in : call, kill
ks ∼ as in : extra
kw ∼ as in : quiet, quiver
l ∼ as in : live, ball
m ∼ as in : map
n ∼ as in : not
ng ∼ as in : hang, fang, sing
oh ∼ as in : float, go
oo ∼ as in : boot, too
oo ∼ as in : book, foot
oor ∼ as in : tour, fore, sore
or ∼ as in : worn,torn
ow ∼ as in : howl, ouch
oy ∼ as in : toy, oil
p ∼ as in : posh, pot
r ∼ as in : reason, rink
s ∼ as in : sew, send
sh ∼ as in : should, shelf
t ∼ as in : set, tilt
th ∼ as in : bath, think
th ∼ as in : then
u ∼ as in : cup, up
uh ∼ as in : uh
ur ∼ as in : purr
v ∼ as in : value
w ∼ as in : wife
y ∼ as in : you
z ∼ as in : zone
zh ∼ as in : leisure, pleasure
Prefixes & Suffixes
"a-" means : not, without example : atypical
"ab-" means : from, away example : abnormal
"acantho-" means : spine example : Acanthocephala
"-ad-" means : to, toward example : dorsad, adhere
"albi-" means : white example : albicans
"-algia" means : pain example : neuralgia
"ambyl-" or "amblyo" means : blunt example : Amblyocera
"amphi, ambi" means round, or both sides example :
amphibian, amphitheater, ambivalent
"amyl-" means : starch example : amylopsin
"an-" means : not, without example : anhydrous
"ana-" means : up, upon example : anabolism
"ancylo-" means : bent example : ancylostoma
"angio-" means : vessel example : angiocarditis
"ante-" means : before, in front of example : anterior
"anti-" or "ant" means : against, opposed to example :
"apo-" means : off, from, away from example : apoplexy
"aqua-" means : water example : aquatic
"-ase" means : designating an enzyme example : amylase
"auto-" means : self example : autosuggestion
"batracho-" means : Greek for frog
"bi-" means : two, twice example : biceps, bifocal
"bio-" means : life example : biology
"brachy-" means : short example : brachycardia
"brady-" means : slow example : bradycardia
"calor-" means : heat example : calorie
"-cara" means : head example : Toxocara
"-cardia-" means : heart example : bradycardia
"-cephalus" means : head example : Ctenocephalides
"-cera" means : horn example : brachycera
"-cerca" means : tail example : Onchocerca
"cerebro-" means : brain example : cerebrospinal
"chrom-" means : color example : chromosome
"-cidal" means : killing example : bacteriocidal
"corpus-" means : body example : corpuscle
"cteno-" means : like a cockle example : Ctenocephalides
"-cyst" means : bladder example : oocyst (In most scientific uses, it is pertaining to the bladder as a little sack that holds fluids or other things)
"-cyte, cyto-" means : cell example : cytoplasm
"-dermic" means : skin example : hypodermic
"di-" means : two, twice example : dichromic
"dia-" means : through, between example : diaphragm
"dys-" means : bad, difficult example : dyspepsia
"ecto" means : outer example : ectoparasites
"-ectomy" means : cut out example : appendectomy
"em-, en-, endo-" means : in, into example : embolism, endoskeleton
"-emia" means : blood example : anemia
"endo" means : internal example : endoparasites
"entero-" means : intestine example : enterokinase
"epi-" means : on, above, upon example : epiphyte
"erythro-" means : red example : erythrocyte
"-fer-" means : to carry, to transport example : afferent
"-fract-" means : to break example : fracture
"-gastro-" means : stomach example : pneumogastric
"-gen-" means : to produce, to begin example : genetic, glycogen
"-glosso-" means : tongue example : hypoglossal
"glyc-" means : glucose, sugar example : glycosuria
"-gnath-" means : jaw, cheek example : gnathostoma
"-helminth" means : worm example : anthelminthic
"hemo-" means : blood example : hemorrhage
"hetero-" means : different, other example : heterozygous
"homo-" means : alike, same example : homozygous
"hydro-" means : water example : hydrolytic
"hyper-" means : over, more than example : hypersecretion
"hypo-" means : under, less than example : hyposecretion
"-iasis" means : infestation example : onchocerciasis
"inter-" means : between, together example : intercostal
"intra-" means : within example : intrathoracic
"ir-" means : not example : irregular
"ischn" or "ischno" means : long, thin example : Ischnocera
"-itis" means : inflammation example : appendicitis
"kata-, cata-" means : down example : catatonic
"kin-" means : to move or to activate example : kinetic
"-lac-" means : milk example : lactose, prolactin
"leuco, leuko" means : white example : leucocyte
"litho-" means : stone example : Lithodytes
"lymph-, lympho-" means : lymph example : lymphocyte
"-lysin, -lysis, -lytic" means : dissolve, destroy example : hemolysis
"macro-" means : large example : macrophage (A Macrophage is a large immune system cell-like structure that flows through blood and is sent out as 'warrior' to kill infection. When you see a scab, it is actually macrophages that gave their 'life' to kill infection and create the covering/protective scab.)
"maculatum" means : spotted example : abystoma maculatum
"-meter" means : measure example : thermometer
"micro-" means : small example : microorganism
"mono-" means : one example : monocyte
"myo-" means : muscle example : myosin
"nema-" means : thread example : nematode
"neur-" means : relating to the nerves example : neurilemma
"nephr-" means : kidneys example : nephritis
"-ology" means : science, knowledge example : biology
"-oid" means : like example : lymphoid
"-ole" means : small example : bronchiole
"-oma" means : swelling, tumor example : sarcoma
"oncho-" means : hook example : Onchocerca
"onco-" means : mass, bulk example : oncosphere
"oo-" means : egg example : oocyst
"-opia" means : sight example : myopia
"-osis" means : condition or process example : cyanosis
"os-, oste-, osteo-" means : bone example : osteology
"ovi-" means : egg example : ovipositor
"para-" means : near, by, beside example : parathyroid
"patho-" means : disease, suffering example : pathology
"around, near" means : around, near example : pericardium
"phago-" means : to eat example : phagocyte
"-phil-" means : loving example : basophil
"-plasm-" means : substance example : cytoplasm
"platy-" means : broad example : Platyhelminthes
"-pnea" means : breathing example : dyspnea
"pneumo-" means : air, lungs example : pneumonia
"-ped" means : foot example : pseudoped
"poly-" means : many example : polysaccharide
"post-" means : after, behind example : postganglionic
"pro-" means : before, giving rise to example : proenzyme
"proprio-" means : one's own example : proprioceptors
"pseudo-" means : false example : pseudoped
"physco-" means : mind example : psycology
"pulmo-" means : lung example : pulmonary
"-renal" means : kidney example : adrenal
"rhino" means : nose, nasal example : Rhinophrynidae
"rrhea" means : flow example : diarrhea
"sarco-" means : flesh, muscle example : sarcoplasm
"soma-" means : body example : somatic cell
"-some" means : body example : chromosome
"stoma-" means : mouth example : anyclostoma
"-strongyle" means : cylinder example : trichostrongylus
"-thrombo-" means : clot, coagulation example : thrombosis
"-tode" means : like example : nematode
"-tome, -tomy" means : to cut example : tonsillectomy
"toxi-, toxo-" means : poison example : toxin
"trans" means : through, to go across example : transport
"tricho-" means : hair-like example : trichostrongylus
"-trophic" means : feeding example : autotrophic
"tropic" means : attached to example : phototropic
"-ule" means : small example : saccule
"-uria" means : pertains to urine example : glycosuria
"-uris" means : tail example : trichuris
"vaso-" means : pertaining to blood vessel example : vasodilation
For more prefixes/suffixes, Jessica has a great Latin learning website: MSU.EDU