Frog   Glossary   U

Unken Reflex: A defensive posture in which the body is arched and the head and tail are lifted forward.
UV: Situated beyond the visible spectrum at its violet end ∼ used of radiation having a wavelength shorter than wavelengths of visible light and longer than those of X rays.
2 :   relating to, producing, or employing ultraviolet radiation. (Quoted from Webster's dictionary)
UVA: A group of light wavelengths that human cannot see. Many animals however, do see this wavelength. It can help in stimulating their regular eating and mating cycles.
UVB: is invisble to the human eye and found in naturally occuring sunlight. UVB is the wavelength responsible for creating vitamin D3 in skin tissue. Fluorescent and Mercury style lamps are capable of creating UVB. The vitamin D3 is necessary for proper calcium metabolism in animals. UVB lighting is usually the safest method of receiving D3 and staving off metabolic bone disease, in comparison to vitamins and pills, etc.

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Frog   Glossary   V

Vetebrate: An animal with a backbone.
Vector: In medicine, vector relates to the animal that transmits a particular infectious disease, such as fleas, ticks, lice and mosquitoes can all transmit diseases they carry to humans and other vertebrates.
Vehicle: In labratory and medicine, "vehicle" refers "to the carrying". Example: The "form" of the medication is the "vehicle" used to administer the drug. Forms of vehicles include: liquids, capsules, suspensions in distilled water, (where you powderize a tablet and add to water) etc. In other words, the medication "is carried" (vehicle) by the pill, suspension, etc.
Vent: The external opening of the cloaca; called the the anus in higher vertebrates.
Venter: The underneath of an animal, its belly.
Ventral: Pertaining to the underside; or belly. See also Frog Outer Anantomy Chart.
Ventrolateral: Pertaining to the sides of the venter. (belly)
Vernal Pool: Vernal pools are confined depressions, either natural or man-made, that hold water for at least two consecutive months out of the year, and are devoid of breeding fish populations. Vernal pools provide habitat to many species of amphibians, insects, reptiles, plants, and other wildlife. The absence of fish is the essence of these ecosystems.
Viviparous: Giving birth to live young that develop within and are nourished by the mother.

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Frog   Glossary   W

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Frog   Glossary   X

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Frog   Glossary   Y

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Frog   Glossary   Z

Zoology: The Science of animals. Below is the chart that frogs fall into:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Hyla, Rhacophoridae, Phyllomedusae, Bufo, etc.
Example: Hyla (Family) Versicolor (exact species found in the Hyla family)

Zoonosis: (Zoonotic) A zoonosis is any infectious or parasitic disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans. As an example,Lyme disease & Rocky mountain spotted fever are indirectly spread to humans from an animal through the bite of a tick.
Zoospore: the infectious stage of a bacteria or fungi that is motile (moving) in water or soil.








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